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Vous pourrez consulter l'article original dans son intégralité à l'adresse suivante : 7 Javascript Library to Try for Every Developer
FullPage.js is simple and easy to use a library that creates fullscreen scrolling websites (also known as single page websites or one-page sites) and adds landscape sliders inside the sections of the site. It is fully functional on all modern browsers, as well as some old ones such as Internet Explorer 9, Opera 12, etc.
It works with browsers with CSS3 support and with the ones which don’t have it, making it ideal for old browsers compatibility. It also provides touch support for mobile phones, tablets and touch screen computers.
npm install fullpage.js
Anime.js is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple, yet powerful API. It works with CSS properties, SVG, DOM attributes and JavaScript Objects. Anime’s built-in staggering system makes complex follow through and overlapping animations simple. It can be used on both timings and properties. Animate multiple CSS transforms properties with different timings simultaneously on a single HTML element. Play, pause, control, reverse and trigger events in sync using the complete built-in callbacks and controls functions.
npm install animejs --save
Simple wrapper for cross-browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API, which lets you bring the page or any element into fullscreen. Smoothens out the browser implementation differences, so you don’t have to. It helps to work with full-Screen feature, instead of FullScreen API because of its cross-browser efficiency.
npm install screenfull
A JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.Moment.js is a legacy project, now in maintenance mode. In most cases, you should choose a different library.
npm install moment --save
Slick is a fresh new jQuery plugin for creating fully customizable, responsive and mobile-friendly carousels/sliders that work with any HTML elements.
- Fully responsive. Scales with its container.
- Uses CSS3 when available. Fully functional when not.
- Swipe enabled. Or disabled, if you prefer.
- Infinite looping.
- Autoplay, dots, arrows, callbacks, etc…
npm install slick-carousel
Popper.js is a Scroll the container (or the whole page) to see the tooltip stay within the boundary. Once the opposite edges of the popcorn and tooltip are aligned, the tooltip is allowed to overflow to prevent detachment. Scroll the container (or the whole page) to see the tooltip flip to the opposite side once it’s about to overflow the visible area. Once enough space is detected on its preferred side, it will flip back. With the CSS drawbacks out of the way, we now move on to Popper in the JavaScript space itself.
npm i @popperjs/core
The leaflet is the leading open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. Weighing just about 39 KB of JS, it has all the mapping features most developers ever need.
The leaflet is designed with simplicity, performance and usability in mind. It works efficiently across all major desktop and mobile platforms, can be extended with lots of plugins, has a beautiful, easy to use and well-documented API and a simple library.
npm i leaflet
16/10/2022 13:44
16/10/2022 15:33
Qui est l'auteur de cet article ?
16/10/2022 15:20
Slick.js, ma bibliothèque préférée !
16/10/2022 14:55
Qu'en est-il de D3.js ?