
Le contenu de cet article n'est pas original. Il est utilisé à titre d'exemple, dans l'attente de l'alimentation du blog par des contenus véritables.

Vous pourrez consulter l'article original dans son intégralité à l'adresse suivante : Most useful Markdown commands

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents. When you create a Markdown-formatted file, you add Markdown syntax to the text to indicate which words and phrases should look different.

Mardown syntax


To create a heading, add number signs (#) in front of a word or phrase. The number of ‘#’ you use should correspond to the heading level. For example, to create a heading level three (### ), use three number signs (e.g., ### My Header). Always leave a blank space between the hash # and the text next to it, otherwise, it won't render properly.

# Heading H1

## Heading H2

### Heading H3


To bold text, add two asterisks or underscores before and after a word or phrase. To bold the middle of a word for emphasis, add two asterisks without spaces around the letters.

This is **bold**


To italicize text, add one asterisk or underscore before and after a word or phrase. To italicize the middle of a word for emphasis, add one asterisk without spaces around the letters.

This is _italic_


To create a blockquote, add a > in front of a paragraph.

> This is a blockquote

Ordered List

To create an ordered list, add line items with numbers followed by periods. The numbers don’t have to be in numerical order, but the list should start with the number one.

1. First

2. Second

3. Third

Unordered List

To create an unordered list, add dashes (-), asterisks (*), or plus signs (+) in front of line items. Indent one or more items to create a nested list.

- First

- Second

- Third

Additional breaks

In case you need an additional break (or some extra space between lines), you can simply use the HTML break tag
, leaving blank lines above and below it:


Horizontal lines

A sequence of three or more dashes will produce a horizontal line, but let’s use always 4 as standard. Leave blank lines after and before it:



To insert images to your markdown file, use the image markup. The path can either be relative to the website, or a full URL for an external image. The supported formats are .png, .jpg, .gif. You might be able to use some .svg files too, depending on their structure.

![Featurepreneur Logo!]( “Featurepreneur Logo”)


To create a link, enclose the link text in brackets and then follow it immediately with the URL in parentheses.



16/10/2022 14:18



16/10/2022 15:23

Comme pour chaque syntaxe, il y a un temps d'adaptation.


16/10/2022 15:22

Sympa, plus qu'à les appliquer, maintenant...