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Vous pourrez consulter l'article original dans son intégralité à l'adresse suivante : 7 Practical Tips for Cheating at Design
Every web developer inevitably runs into situations where they need to make visual design decisions, whether they like it or not.
Maybe the company you work for doesn’t have a full-time designer and you need to implement the UI for a new feature on your own. Or maybe you’re hacking on a side-project and you want it to look better than yet-another-Bootstrap-site.
It’s easy to throw your hands up and say, “I’ll never be able to make this look good, I’m not an artist!” but it turns out there are a ton of tricks you can use to level up your work that don’t require a background in graphic design.
Here are seven simple ideas you can use to improve your designs today.
Use color and weight to create hierarchy instead of size
Don’t use grey text on colored backgrounds
Offset your shadows
Use fewer borders
Don’t blow up icons that are meant to be small
Use accent borders to add color to a bland design
Not every button needs a background color
16/10/2022 14:49
16/10/2022 15:22
Je trouve la quatrième règle très moderne !
16/10/2022 15:22
Super, je vais devenir un pro avec ça !
16/10/2022 14:50
Intéressant, je ne connaissais pas la deuxième règle !